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With Boca Raton's Premier Dog Trainer

What's included you ask?

We Evaluate Your Dog's Current Behaviors & Bad Habits

We Tell You Why or What Is Causing Your Dog's Unwanted Behavior

We'll Discuss Methods Of Training That Will Work For Your Dog

We'll Give You Pointers On How To Quash Bad Behaviors For Good

No Program Commitment Required


  • Embarrassed by your dog's behavior?

  • Impossible to walk them in public without pulling you or lunging at other dogs?

  • Avoiding having company over because your dog barks at and jumps all over your guests?

  • Unsure how to train your puppy to be well behaved on leash and off?

  • Stressing because your dog won't just CHILL OUT?

  • Cringing as you see the neighbor approach with their well behaved dog?

We're Here To Help!

What's included you ask?

We Evaluate Your Dog's Current Behaviors & Bad Habits

We Tell You Why or What is Causing Your Dog's Unwanted Behaviors

We'll Discuss Methods Of Training That Will Work For Your Dog

We'll Give You Pointers On How To Quash Bad Behaviors For Good

No Program Commitment Required


Scheduling your Dog's Evaluation with the Premiere Boca Raton Area Dog Trainer is




My name is Kelsey.


And I run Lead Change Dog Training because our dogs deserve better.


"Better?!" You ask indignantly.

Yes, better.


"But Kelsey! My dog is my BABY. I give him/her whatever they want.”


And that’s the problem.


You see, as humans we have a weird habit of treating other life forms… like they’re human too.


How many times have you yelled at your dog for not doing “what you want”?


Or worked your fingers to the bone googling “how to ‘get’ my dog to….”


Only to be frustrated by the answers you find, the countless hours you’ve spent trying to force compliance.


Here’s what people miss


Dogs and humans communicate differently.


And so until you learn to tell your dog what you want in THEIR terms and REINFORCE those boundaries, you’ll be stuck spinning your wheels. 


So if it’s time that you and your dog get on the same message….


Schedule an evaluation.


Let’s find out what your dog’s been trying to tell you all these years.


I’ll see you soon,



I'll Cut to the Chase...


Our evaluation is the first step in laying out a rock- solid game plan for you and your dog.


Rather than charging you to tell you what you and your dog need sight unseen over the phone(a ridiculous concept), we require every new member of LCDT to start with an evaluation.


To Be Clear: This is a ZERO fluff training session- after our initial meet and greet, we will go straight into the challenges you're having with your dog, teach you actionable strategies to modify their behavior and provide you resources to make and sustain those changes.


Ultimately, the effort YOU put in will be what determines your success or failure with your companion.


If it makes sense to have a long term treatment plan, we'll talk about it at your eval.


If not, you'll leave with considerably more knowledge of how your dog communicates as well as the essential tools and strategies you two will need to get and STAY on the same page.




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